The Great Shelford Village Charity exists to help people in need within the village and surrounding area:
We were formerly known as The Parochial Charities; see “Goodbye, Parochial Charities . . . Hello, Great Shelford Village Charity“.
Our annual report – prepared for the Parish Council’s annual public meeting – may be found here.
Our annual financial report and accounts are published here on the Charity Commission website.
GSVC Trustee Ltd (company no: 14653486) is the sole corporate trustee of Great Shelford Village Charity (registered charity number: 231486). Its directors – all unpaid – are:
Jaspaul Hill MBE | Chair. Retired headteacher and Ofsted inspector. |
Michael Pooles KC | Deputy Chair. Barrister, Hailsham Chambers. |
Sarah Kreckler | Company Director, Chartered Surveyor. |
Dr Si-houy Lao-Sirieix | AstraZeneca. |
Richard Mutty | Company Director, Chartered Surveyor. |
Graham Newman | Retired, Chartered Accountant. |
Prof Stefan Scholtes | Professor, University of Cambridge. |
Dr John Tweedale | Retired, General Practitioner. |
Simon White | Treasurer. Chartered Accountant. |
The board is supported by our clerk, Samantha Rigby-Coghlan
By the early 18th century the village had three charities sharing the common object of ‘relieving, either generally or individually, persons resident in the Parish of Great Shelford who are in conditions of need, hardship or distress’:
In 1890, under the auspices of the Charity Commission, these three charities were merged to form The Great Shelford Parochial Charities, owning cottages, smallholdings and allotments which were rented out to villagers of limited means at fair rents.
Records from around the turn of the 19th century show the Charity also made annual disbursements of coal to over 100 villagers and also provided nursing services for the sick. See Fuel poverty – then and now.
The workings of the charity remained much the same until the late 1980s when the trustees sold some of the land and cottages so as to release capital for the development of modern, affordable housing.
The new development at More’s Meadow was officially opened by Betty Boothroyd, MP and Speaker of the House of Commons, on 9 March 1996 and comprised:
All 32 properties were let to villagers of limited means at affordable rents.
In 2019 the Charity began moving residents’ tenures from rental to almshouse agreements. Almshouse residents are ‘appointees’, not tenants, live in the almshouse under licence, and pay a monthly maintenance contribution (MMC) rather than a rent. There is no right-to-buy or shared equity, meaning that the Charity retains the homes in perpetuity for the benefit of the community. The Charity currently sets its MMC at 50% of the prevailing local market rental rate.
In 2021, the Charity was granted planning permission to build a further 21 almshouse homes at the end of More’s Meadow. The planning consent included the provision of allotments, an orchard, a community garden, parkland, the planting of native trees and hedgerows, and enhanced public access to the surrounding green belt.
The new development brings to 53 the total number of almshouse homes provided by the Charity, providing decent, affordable accommodation for well over 100 people; a broad mix of families, couples and individuals.
As of 2023, the Charity’s almshouse assets are: