Looking back 128 years

Tuesday May 22, 2018

Sorting through some old junk in the vicarage, Mary Lester, Clerk of the Great Shelford Parochial Charities, recently discovered a rusty old trunk containing historical documents. Notable among these was our original Charity Commission document, dated 15 April 1890, establishing The Parochial Charities by merging three pre-existing charities, namely:

~ Town Lands and Town Houses

~ John More’s Charity, founded 1705

~ Lettice Martin’s Charity, founded 1562

The document provides some interesting insights into Great Shelford life in Victorian times. We will be depositing the original in the County Archives for safe keeping.

GSVC Trustee Ltd – a company limited by guarantee incorporated in England and Wales, company number 14653486, whose registered office is at 18 High Street, Great Shelford, Cambridge CB22 5EH – is the sole corporate trustee of The Great Shelford Village Charity.   Privacy Policy