The Parochial Charities have won planning approval to build 21 affordable homes in Great Shelford . . .
. . . adjacent to their existing estate of 32 similarly affordable units on More’s Meadow.
“It is a pleasure having an application like this coming to planning committee,” said Cllr Pippa Heylings. Cllr Martin Cahn added, “I find it an inspiring development, I am really impressed by the design and the open space”. South Cambridgeshire District Council Planning Committee gave its unanimous support to the scheme.
A member of the Almshouse Association, the Charity will own the homes in perpetuity and make them available on almshouse terms to Great Shelford people otherwise unable to afford living in the village.
Sensitive to the green belt location our Cambridge based architects, Haysom Ward Miller, have designed the 1-, 2- and 3-bedroom units as curved terraces with undulating green roofs. Arranged around a landscaped green, the three terraces are designed for sustainability and oriented to maximise natural daylight.
Residents will benefit from low running costs. Air source heat pumps will reduce reliance on fossil fuels and mechanically ventilated heat recovery systems will capture waste heat whilst maintaining good ventilation.
Our planning approval includes the provision of new allotments, orchards and parkland, the planting of native trees and hedgerows, and enhanced public access to the surrounding green belt.
Development is scheduled to start towards the end of 2020 and the homes will be available for occupation in early 2022.