Analysis of the responses to our Public Meeting on 1 October 2019
The meeting in the Memorial Hall was an opportunity for villagers to meet the Parochial Charities Trustees, inspect the development plans, ask questions and share opinions. Our architect and planning advisors were also on hand to answer questions.
43 people attended the meeting and 18 submitted feedback forms; most confirmed they now had a good understanding of the project.
Nearly all agreed on the need for more affordable housing in Great Shelford and, in particular, that such housing should be reserved for people with strong local connections.
Over 60% supported the proposed design – as well as the setting on the village edge. Others were either unsure (22%) or against (11%) the development.
Concern for the environment was also evident with 72% saying wildlife conservation – coupled with the provision of green recreational spaces – was important.
The Trustees and their advisors are reviewing the results ahead of submitting a planning application in November 2019. The results in detail are available below.