Iain Wilkinson has decided to step down as a Trustee of the Parochial Charities. We shall miss him; the driving force behind our conservation and improvement work, Iain has looked after the Parochial Charities’ two fields at the end of The Hectare / Walden Way – and the allotments at the end of More’s Meadow – some 10 acres in all, for over 10 years. Plus, of course, he has been very active in the general management of the charity and the support of our tenants.
While sorry to lose him as a Trustee, we are pleased Iain will continue to advise on the care of our green spaces.
Iain is handing over to Keith Sugden who became a Trustee last year. We hear Keith promises to call Iain when he next needs help with heavy digging.
The Trustees presented Iain with the gift of some trees of his choice from Scotsdales Garden Centre. He chose a Liquidambar, also known as sweetgum, for autumn colour; and a purple leaved Prunus, for its spring flowering. Together with Keith, he planted both on the Charities land. Thank you, Iain.