Our community green space is a special place. It is open and accessible for all to use. It is a place to walk, join others for a picnic, reflect on a bench or just enjoy those sunny days.
Modern life means we spend more and more time indoors and less time taking a moment for nature. One of our residents reminded us that we should take that moment to look out of our windows more often and get outside a bit more because you never know what you will see.
“The variety of bird species in and around the meadow is amazingly diverse and not just the normal Crow, Jackdaw and Wood Pigeons which seem to be prevalent around the village. The loud calls of the Wrens, Yellowhammers and Whitethroats can often take over all else and its great to hear from 3 tiny little birds.
We have the Birds of Prey such as Kestrels, Buzzards and now Red Kites either hovering or soaring above looking for its next meal which is a sight to behold even though they sometimes have to contend with a few crows hassling them away ruining their meal.
I have accidentally surprised a Eurasian Green Woodpecker on the ground and heard it squark and fly off almost as if it was telling me off for interrupting it. Caught a glimpse of the Greater Spotted Woodpecker tapping at a Walnut tree behind the houses at the Meadow too, My first time seeing a woodpecker actually peck at a tree and that is what has built my interest in these wonderful creatures.
We even have a pair of Red Legged Partridges grazing early in the mornings, although they are easily spooked so getting a picture is neigh on impossible.
So far I have crossed off 38 different bird varieties just at the meadow and adjoining allotment and I cannot wait to cross a few more off the list.”