Every little helps at Christmas

Wednesday December 22, 2021

“Spare a thought for households in need this Christmas. The treats many take for granted – turkey, mulled wine and so on – can be unaffordable luxuries for families on tight budgets,” said Jaspaul Hill, a trustee of the Parochial Charities.

With this in mind, Jas set about raising funds for the purchase of Christmas food bags for local families in need. Working closely with Shelford and Stapleford primary schools, essential foods and seasonal treats were packed and distributed to some 33 families in the area.

This was made possible thanks to generous donations of £500 from Shelford Free Church, a further £200 in total from individual donors, plus donations of food from Shelford Co-op and other well wishers. A special thanks go to the staff at the Co-op who gave their time to pack the bags.

The Parochial Charities added £50 food vouchers to the bags destined for Great Shelford families.

The trustees wish the donors and recipients a very happy Christmas.

GSVC Trustee Ltd – a company limited by guarantee incorporated in England and Wales, company number 14653486, whose registered office is at 18 High Street, Great Shelford, Cambridge CB22 5EH – is the sole corporate trustee of The Great Shelford Village Charity.   Privacy Policy