The Parochial Charities – public notice

Friday December 10, 2021

This charity currently provides assistance, including accommodation, to “poor persons resident in the area of the Parish of Great Shelford as constituted on 15 April, 1890”. Many residents will be aware the charity has 32 properties at More’s Meadow and is in the process of constructing an additional 21 almshouses.

The trustees are considering varying the terms of the charity so that assistance can be provided to a wider pool of potential beneficiaries. The charity would continue to assist those in need who live in the Parish, but the proposed amendment would also allow the charity to assist those in need who live in the surrounding area or who have a strong connection with the village or an ability to contribute significantly to village life.

This is intended to allow the trustees to assist, for example, individuals who have been brought up within the village, have had to move away because of the considerable expense of local accommodation, and wish or need to return. Such individuals do not presently qualify for help.

The trustees also intend to move to a modern constitution using a non-profit making company as the charity’s corporate trustee, and to change the name of the charity to the Great Shelford Village Charity.

If you wish to express any views on these proposals please inform the trustees by writing to:

The Clerk, The Parochial Charities,18 High Street, Great Shelford, Cambridge CB22 5EH

or emailing: [email protected]

by the 31 January, 2022.

The Trustees of The Parochial Charities
10 December, 2021

GSVC Trustee Ltd – a company limited by guarantee incorporated in England and Wales, company number 14653486, whose registered office is at 18 High Street, Great Shelford, Cambridge CB22 5EH – is the sole corporate trustee of The Great Shelford Village Charity.   Privacy Policy